SxPres: minimalistic presentations
The slide presentation programs are just to stupid!
Lets fix-it!

What is it?
Simplex Presentation — SxPres is a rich builder of presentations.
SxPres was built as an compiled way of making presentations. It obeys the KISS phylosophy.
Inspired by roff, nroff and groff.
To be a web target mininalistic way of presenting talks, classes or lessons with no fuss slideshow.
The use of SxPres is based on a markdown syntax combined with a reduced set of navigation controls.
Writing a presentation
Open a example.stv
text file and start typing. It’s self explanatory:
Let's learn about it!
Press 'J'
This is a text in a slide.
And this is a firtst item of a list.
This is the second.
Texts and lists:
# Even that the .heading appears last, will be rendered on the top of the slide.
# This is a comment and will be ingored.
# Those three dashes (---) starts a new slide.
Lists can be ordered, producing numbered items.
In this case, three!
Next slide, an image and then a video...
One caption to this image:
Line breaks are permitted!
# The image above should be in the same directory or be
# pointed with full path like:
# /your/path/example.jpg
# The .video tag will insert the example.mp4 video on the same directory.
Mermaid diagrams can be inserted also!
graph TD;
a(A) --> b(B);
c(C) --> d(D);
a --> c;
b --> c;
A title for the slide
A subtitle: let's make a table!
1st column | 2nd | 3rd
2nd line | middle collumn | last
The next slide is a blank one.
# This slide contains an image but will not be rendered, since it's marked as draft.
A foot note to be shown in all slides.
# Footer text can be inserted at any slide, even on draft ones.
# "Actually", configs can be passed at any time, like the logo below:
The end.
Then, run:
$ sxpres --input example.stv
A example.html
file will appear. Open it with some browser. See the hosted version here.
Controls are keept simple and vim-like inspired.
t : Open and close the help pop-up.
j : Next slide.
k : Previous slide.
p : Printable mode.
gg : Go to 1st slide.
G : Go to last slide.
m : Show round pointer.
x : Change pointer size..
In screen devices, swipe to go trhought slides.
Where is it?
In my GitHub page.
See the rust style documentation here.
Ao topo!