Crate sxpres

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  • Cli from Clap.
  • An slide is built from elements that are rendered to a <div class=element> that respect the SxPres philosophy.
  • The final HTML.
  • Each fully presentable slide from the entire slideshow. It is a <div class=slide> that will be formatted by CSS to fill the screen and respect the Javascript controls.


  • Define the nature of the elements. This can help organize the way multiple elements will be arranged. The order of declaration matters since that organize() uses sort_by_key() method.



  • Safely parsing tags before processing.
  • Recognise a comment line.
  • Makes sure that priorities between Elements are respected.
  • Split a Vec<String> right on a tag, grouping them into a new Vec<String>. The result of this process is a Vec<Vec<String>>, a primite form of slide.


  • Convert external files into raw base64 data to be embedded into the final HTML.
  • Render a <footer> element with a foot message on all slides.
  • The <h1> rendering function.
  • The <image> rendering function. Captions of figures are buided from the third line fowards on the raw_element.
  • Treats all the forms of input using Clap.
  • Do all the checks necessary to validate a raw_element as Element.
  • Render a <image class=logo> that is treated in CSS as a fixed right top logomark to the slides.
  • The <pre class=mermaid> element rendering function. Resolves a mermaid diagram passed line-by-line.
  • Generate an <ol> style listing.
  • Uses Clap to handle the output.
  • Finally condense back a Vec<Slide> into HTML that can be printed or outputed.
  • The <h2> rendering function.
  • The <table> rendering function.
  • The <p> rendering function.
  • The <ul> rendering function.
  • The <video> rendering function.